La estantería Orí


La estantería ‘Orí’ es una estantería tubular hecha de Jequitibá rosa, con detalles de latón y más de siete mil conchas que adornan la parte superior. Al ser una estantería hueca, su cierre es ligero y fluido, creado por el volumen de los cordones de cauríes, que ocultan lo que hay dentro del Orí y, al mismo tiempo, permiten que lo que está en su interior respire libremente.
Nina Coimbra, diseñadora brasileña.

The ‘Orí’ shelf is a tubular shelf made from pink Jequitibá, brass details and more than seven thousand conch shells that adorn the head. Being a hollowed-out shelf, its closure is light and fluid, created by the volume of the strings of cowries, which both hide what's inside the Orí and allow what's inside to breathe.

La estantería ‘Orí’ es una estantería tubular hecha de madera de Jequitibá rosa, con detalles en latón y más de siete mil conchas que adornan la parte superior.
ORÍ Bookshelf In Yoruba theology, nothing is more complex than the metaphysical concept of ORÍ, sometimes associated with the physical head (skull), personal orisha, consciousness, destiny, soul, ancestral guardian angel. It can be considered the Yoruba theory of consciousness, of destiny, or both. Within ORÍ lives another mystery: ‘Ori Inú,’ the ‘inner self’; divine spark. ‘Apèrèré,’ the head with its support, are moulded with portions of progenitor mass-substances, but the interior, the “ori-inu” is unique and represents a combination of elements closely linked to personal destiny. It is this content, the ori-inu, that expresses individualised existence’ (Joana Elbain Santos). The ‘Orí’ shelf is a tubular shelf made from pink Jequitibá, brass details and more than seven thousand conch shells that adorn the head. Being a hollow shelf, its closure is light and fluid, created by the volume of the conch strings, which both hide what's inside the Orí and allow what's inside to breathe. Orí needs to be taken care of spiritually so that it can accept changes, so that it can gently assimilate life's lessons, challenges and difficulties and accept the necessary and inevitable transformations. The ‘Orí’ shelf is the artist's tribute and offering to her Orí, understanding the principles of its strength and symbolism, while offering the collector that this entity is also represented and cared for in their home.

En la teología yoruba, nada es más complejo que el concepto metafísico de ORÍ, a veces asociado a la cabeza física (cráneo), el orixá personal, la conciencia, el destino, el alma, o el ángel guardián ancestral. Puede considerarse la teoría de la conciencia, del destino o de ambos. Dentro de ORÍ existe otro misterio: “Ori Inú”, o “alma interior”; brillo divino.

El «Apèrèré», que sostiene, está moldeado con porciones de sustancias parentales, pero el interior, o “ori-inu”, es único y representa una combinación de elementos íntimamente ligados al destino personal. “Es este contenido, o ori-inu, lo que expresa la existencia individualizada” (Joana Elbain Santos).

ORÍ Bookshelf In Yoruba theology, nothing is more complex than the metaphysical concept of ORÍ, sometimes associated with the physical head (skull), personal orisha, consciousness, destiny, soul, ancestral guardian angel. It can be considered the Yoruba theory of consciousness, of destiny, or both. Within ORÍ lives another mystery: ‘Ori Inú,’ the ‘inner self’; divine spark. ‘Apèrèré,’ the head with its support, are moulded with portions of progenitor mass-substances, but the interior, the “ori-inu” is unique and represents a combination of elements closely linked to personal destiny. It is this content, the ori-inu, that expresses individualised existence’ (Joana Elbain Santos). The ‘Orí’ shelf is a tubular shelf made from pink Jequitibá, brass details and more than seven thousand conch shells that adorn the head. Being a hollow shelf, its closure is light and fluid, created by the volume of the conch strings, which both hide what's inside the Orí and allow what's inside to breathe. Orí needs to be taken care of spiritually so that it can accept changes, so that it can gently assimilate life's lessons, challenges and difficulties and accept the necessary and inevitable transformations. The ‘Orí’ shelf is the artist's tribute and offering to her Orí, understanding the principles of its strength and symbolism, while offering the collector that this entity is also represented and cared for in their home.
ORÍ Bookshelf In Yoruba theology, nothing is more complex than the metaphysical concept of ORÍ, sometimes associated with the physical head (skull), personal orisha, consciousness, destiny, soul, ancestral guardian angel. It can be considered the Yoruba theory of consciousness, of destiny, or both. Within ORÍ lives another mystery: ‘Ori Inú,’ the ‘inner self’; divine spark. ‘Apèrèré,’ the head with its support, are moulded with portions of progenitor mass-substances, but the interior, the “ori-inu” is unique and represents a combination of elements closely linked to personal destiny. It is this content, the ori-inu, that expresses individualised existence’ (Joana Elbain Santos). The ‘Orí’ shelf is a tubular shelf made from pink Jequitibá, brass details and more than seven thousand conch shells that adorn the head. Being a hollow shelf, its closure is light and fluid, created by the volume of the conch strings, which both hide what's inside the Orí and allow what's inside to breathe. Orí needs to be taken care of spiritually so that it can accept changes, so that it can gently assimilate life's lessons, challenges and difficulties and accept the necessary and inevitable transformations. The ‘Orí’ shelf is the artist's tribute and offering to her Orí, understanding the principles of its strength and symbolism, while offering the collector that this entity is also represented and cared for in their home.

La estantería «Orí» es una pieza tubular hecha de Jequitibá rosa, con detalles en latón y más de siete mil cuentas que decoran la parte superior. Al ser una estantería hueca, su estructura es ligera y fluida, elevada por el volumen de dos cordones de conchas, que a la vez esconden lo que está dentro del Orí y permiten que respire lo que está en su interior.

El Orí necesita ser cuidado espiritualmente para poder afrontar los cambios, para asimilar con delicadeza las experiencias, los desafíos y las dificultades de la vida, y enfrentar las transformaciones necesarias e inevitables. La estantería “Orí” es un homenaje al artista y una ofrenda a su Orí, comprendiendo los principios de su fuerza y simbolismo, al tiempo que ofrece al coleccionista la representación y el cuidado de esta entidad en su hogar.

‘Un buen Orí es como la tierra dulce’.

Nina Coimbra Brazilian designer

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